You Need a Child Therapist To Help You

The constant battles, the emotional rollercoaster, and the sheer intensity of your child's needs have brought you to your wit's end.

You never thought being a parent was going to be like this. The reality of parenting, starkly different from what you envisioned, leaves you grappling with emotions you never expected to face.

You thought parenting would be challenging, yes, but also filled with moments of joy and connection.

Instead, you're navigating a minefield of tantrums, anxiety, and misunderstandings, each day feeling more like a test of survival than an opportunity to bond with your child.

Tantrums and Meltdowns Rule Your Child’s Life

Your child's body becomes a vessel of unchecked emotion—flailing limbs, clenched fists, and a face flushed with the exertion of their cries. Words transform into screams, and rational communication becomes lost in a sea of overwhelming feelings.

The triggers might be small—a toy out of place, a change in routine, or a simple "no" to a request—but the reaction is anything but.

The cries and screams echo long after the tantrum subsides, leaving you feeling exhausted in their wake.

You're left wondering about the root of such intense reactions. You are helpless in the face of your child's apparent distress.

Your Child’s Academics are Slipping

Academic problems often come to light through teacher reports or slipping grades, marking a clear sign that your child is facing obstacles beyond typical learning curves.

These aren't mere reflections of their capability but signals that they might need support in areas that extend beyond academic knowledge.

Bullying, feelings of isolation, or simply not fitting in can exacerbate these academic struggles, making school a source of anxiety rather than a place of growth and discovery. You wonder if your child is ever going to succeed, and what you thought was a bright, full of potential-child is not on the trajectory of failure.

Get Transformative Help Now - Start Child Therapy Today

The daily grind of managing tantrums, navigating anxiety, and trying to communicate with a child who seems increasingly distant has taken its toll. You're emotionally exhausted, feeling like you've tried every strategy in the book, only to find yourself back at square one, facing the same challenges with no end in sight.

Questions swirl in your mind: "Could I have done more? Am I failing as a parent?"

However, you decided that you need help. Not just for your well-being but ultimately for your child. You want to get them the quality help they deserve so they can reach their full potential and thrive.

Fun and Engaging Child Therapy in San Jose 

I'm Hannah Ly, a dedicated child therapist right here in San Jose. I'm here to share with you a different way of experiencing therapy—a journey where healing is infused with joy, play, and deep connection.

Understanding that each child is unique, I've tailored my practice to transform therapy into an engaging, fun, and incredibly effective experience for your little ones.

My approach is grounded in the belief that therapy should never be a chore for children.

An Emphasis on Play Therapy for Children

By incorporating play therapy into our sessions, I create a safe and dynamic environment where children can express themselves, explore their emotions, and navigate their experiences with ease.

This playful approach not only makes therapy enjoyable but also deeply therapeutic, allowing children to open up and engage in the healing process naturally and authentically.

This could mean storytelling, art, music, or role-playing games, each tailored to meet your child's individual needs and preferences. Play therapy isn't just about having fun—it's a strategic and evidence-based approach that helps children process their emotions, develop problem-solving skills, and learn new ways of interacting with the world around them.

It's through this engaging and nurturing process that we can address issues from trauma to anxiety, building a foundation for lasting resilience and emotional well-being.

Attachment and Trauma Trained Expert in Child Therapy

With expertise in attachment and trauma, I bring a nuanced understanding of the complex layers that shape a child's experience. Recognizing the profound impact of early relationships and traumatic events, my therapy sessions are designed to address these foundational aspects with sensitivity and care.

Through this focus, I help children build secure attachments, foster resilience, and heal from past traumas, laying the groundwork for a brighter, more balanced future.

Discover a New Path in Child Therapy: Book Your Free Consultation Today

If the journey I've described resonates with you and your family, I warmly invite you to reach out for a free 15-minute consultation. This is a no-obligation opportunity for us to connect, discuss your child's unique needs, and explore how my playful, engaging approach to therapy can make a meaningful difference in your child's life.

It's a chance for you to ask questions, express your concerns, and understand more about how play therapy, attachment theory, and trauma-informed care can transform challenges into opportunities for growth and healing.

Together, we can work towards a future where your child not only navigates their world with confidence and resilience but also embraces the joy of their individuality. Contact me today to schedule your free consultation and start the journey toward healing and happiness in child therapy.

 FAQ About Child Therapy in San Jose

  • Child Therapy is most effective when it occurs on a regular, consistent basis.

    In my practice, I recommend weekly therapy for your child.

    Also, at least one parent coaching session each month. It ensures that we can work on the issues your child may be facing. Weekly sessions are crucial for several reasons.

    First, they let us tackle your child's challenges in real-time. We can provide timely help and intervention as issues arise.

    Also, the key to good child therapy is a strong, trusting bond. It is between the therapist and the child. Weekly meetings help us create and deepen this vital connection. They make a safe space where your child feels comfortable opening up. This rapport is essential for us to work in therapy, allowing for meaningful progress and healing.

  • Child Therapy with me lasts between 6 months to a year. It's important to understand that there's no "quick fix" when it comes to child therapy. Like a tree takes time to grow deep roots, effective child therapy takes time to get to the heart of the issues your child is facing.

    Rushing the process or looking for immediate solutions can actually be more harmful than helpful. My focus is on providing deep and meaningful support that addresses the root causes of what your child is experiencing. This approach ensures that the progress made is lasting and beneficial, rather than a temporary patch.